
Anketa o potrebama djece i mladih s poteškoćama u razvoju s područja pogođenog potresom

Inkluzivna kuća Zvono u sklopu projekta “Mobilna volonterska služba” provela je mapiranje potreba djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju na području pogođenim potresom. Kroz komunikaciju s odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama, Centrima za socijalnu skrb te udrugama koji se bave djecom s i mladima s teškoćama, provedena je anketa i prikupljeni su podatci. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, vidljivo je da su uvjeti života djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju posebno narušeni nakon potresa, odgojno-obrazovne potrebe nakon potresa su djelomično zanemarene, institucije koje su pružale pomoć i podršku su u nemogućnosti raditi s djecom. Većina djece i mladih u razdoblju nakon potresa ostala je bez rehabilitacijskih usluga koje je do tada imala; udruge su ostale bez prostora u kojima su pružale usluge senzornog i radnog terapeuta, logoped radi online što nije prikladno za svu djecu. Prema rezultatima ankete, stručnjaka za rad s istima je nedovoljno, škole i vrtići nemaju potreban stručni kadar. Nedovoljan je broj ustanova u koje se može uputiti roditelje, liste čekanja su duge. 65% predstavnika institucija koji su sudjelovali u anketi smatra da je mentalno zdravlje djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju posebno narušeno nakon potresa.

Do kraja 2021. godine potrebno je što hitnije:
– umrežiti institucije kako bi se osigurao pravovremeni protok informacija
– pravovremeno informirati roditelje, djecu i mlade s teškoćama u razvoju o njihovim pravima i mogućnostima
– omogućiti udrugama provođenje aktivnosti pomoći u učenju za učenike s teškoćama -financijska i druga pomoć Vlade i Ministarstva i uključivanje volonterskih centara i njihovih volontera
– omogućiti udrugama provođenje programa za djecu i mlade s teškoćama u razvoju (poludnevni boravak, radno-okupacijske aktivnosti, savjetodavne aktivnosti) u koje će se uključiti i volonteri – financijska podrška Vlade i Ministarstva
– učiniti psihosocijalnu podršku dostupnom i besplatnom za sve: od vrtića, škola, postojeću podršku crvenog križa i telefonsku psihosocijalnu podršku i o tome informirati građane

– omogućiti pomoćnike u nastavi djeci s teškoćama u razvoju kojima je potreban isti
– uvesti programe i radionice socijalnih vještina, nošenja sa stresom i strahom, osnaživanja koje bi provodili psiholozi i drugi educirani stručnjaci

– obnoviti oštećenja kako bi se obitelji što prije mogle vratiti u svoje domove
– obnoviti škole, vrtiće, druge ustanove i prostorije udruga kako bi mogle nastaviti sa svojim radom
– osigurati dodatna sredstva u državnom proračunu za zapošljavanje potrebnih stručnjaka (prvenstveno edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog profila) – omogućavanje terapijskih i rehabilitacijskih usluga.

Mapiranje je provedeno u partnerstvu s udrugom IKS iz Petrinje. Projekt „Mobilna volonterska služba“ je podržan s 4.999,11 € financijske podrške Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP i Norveških grantova. Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Inkluzivne kuće Zvono i ne odražava nužno stavove država donatorica i Upravitelja Fonda.



The Inclusive house Bell, as part of the project “Mobile Volunteer Service” conducted a mapping of the needs of children and youth with disabilities in the area affected by the earthquake. Through communication with educational institutions, Social Welfare Centers and associations dealing with children and young people with disabilities, a survey was conducted and data were collected. According to the results, it is evident that the living conditions of children and young people with disabilities are particularly impaired after the earthquake, educational needs after the earthquake are partially neglected, institutions that provide help and support are unable to work with children. Most children and young people in the post-earthquake period were left without the rehabilitation services they had until then; associations were left without a space in which they provided the services of a sensory and occupational therapist, a speech therapist works online which is not suitable for all children. According to the results of the survey, there are not enough experts to work with them, schools and kindergartens do not have the necessary professional staff. There are not enough institutions to which parents can be referred, the waiting lists are long. 65% of the representatives of the institutions that participated in the survey believe that the mental health of children and young people with disabilities is particularly impaired after the earthquake.

By the end of 2021, it is necessary as soon as possible to:
– network institutions to ensure the timely flow of information
– inform parents, children and young people with disabilities in a timely manner about their rights and opportunities
– enable associations to carry out learning assistance activities for students with disabilities – financial and other assistance from the Government and the Ministry and the involvement of volunteer centers and their volunteers
– enable associations to implement programs for children and youth with disabilities (half-day stay, work-occupation activities, counseling activities) in which volunteers will be involved – financial support from the Government and the Ministry
– make psycho-social support available and free for all: from kindergartens, schools, existing Red Cross support and telephone psycho-social support and inform citizens about it

– provide teaching assistants to children with disabilities who need it
– introduce programs and workshops on social skills, coping with stress and fear, empowerment by psychologists and other educated professionals

– repair the damage so that families can return to their homes as soon as possible
– renovate schools, kindergartens, other institutions and association premises so that they can continue their work
– provide additional funds in the state budget for the employment of the necessary experts (primarily educational-rehabilitation profile) – provision of therapeutic and rehabilitation services.

The mapping was conducted in partnership with the IKS association from Petrinja. The project “Mobile Voluntary Service” was supported with € 4,999.11 financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian grants. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the Inclusive House Bell and does not necessarily reflect the views of donor countries and the Fund Manager.


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