
Završio projekt "Mobilna volonterska služba"

Izvještavanjem o specifičnim potrebama djece i mladih završen je projekt “Mobilna volonterska služba”. Projekt je započeo 1.5.2021. godine i trajao je do 31.7.2021.

Aktivnosti projekta bile su:

– Organizacija redovnog terenskog rada mobilne volonterske službe;
– Mapiranje potreba za podrškom u odgojno obrazovnom procesu djece, s posebnim naglaskom na djeci i mladima s teškoćama u razvoju;
– Izvještavanje o prikupljenim podacima te predlaganje metoda organiziranja podrške djeci i mladima na području Grada Petrinje i Siska.

Direktni korisnici bili su volonteri mobilne volonterske službe, organizacije civilnog društva i institucije na području Grada Petrinje i Siska, a indirektni korisnici djeca opće populacije i djeca i mladi s poteškoćama u razvoju uključena u o-o proces sa područja Grada Petrinje i Siska.

Zahvaljujemo projektnim partnerima na pomoći te svim korisnicima obuhvaćenima projektom što su nam pružili priliku da bolje upoznamo probleme s kojima se nose u razdoblju prirodne katastrofe, ali i njih same.

Nadamo se da ćemo se imati priliku ponovno susresti u nekim od narednih aktivnosti.

Projekt „Mobilna volonterska služba“ je podržan s 4.999,11 € financijske podrške Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP i Norveških grantova.

Više o projektu pročitajte na:




The project “Mobile Volunteer Service” was completed by reporting on the specific needs of children and youth. The project started on May 1, 2021. and lasted until July 31, 2021.

The project activities were:

– Organization of regular field work of the mobile volunteer service
– Mapping the needs for support in the educational process of children, with special emphasis on children and youth with disabilities
– Reporting on the collected data and proposing methods of organizing support to children and youth in the area of the City of Petrinja and Sisak.

The direct beneficiaries are volunteers of the mobile volunteer service, civil society organizations and institutions in the area of the City of Petrinja and Sisak and an indirect beneficiaries are children of the general population and children and young people with disabilities involved in the educational process from the area of the City of Petrinja and Sisak.

We thank the project partners for their help and all the beneficiaries involved in the project for giving us the opportunity to get better acquainted with the problems they face in the period of natural disaster, but also for themselves.

We hope to have the opportunity to meet again in some of the following activities.

The project “ Mobile Volunteer Service” is supported with € 4,999.11 € financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian grants.

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